The Truth behind Steroid Creams?


Due to the over prescription of steroid cream it's becoming increasingly common for sufferers of eczema to develop a type of allergy to the steroid cream itself. So instead of treating the condition, the steroids can make them worse.

Steroid creams work on the stress response the same as oral steroid medications. This can have an impact on gut integrity, negatively effecting the gut microbiome (bacteria) and how we produce certain vitamins, such as B12 for example, and absorption of other vitamins and minerals that are known to be protective and help our bodies function properly.

Then there's the over burden on the liver, making it work so hard to eliminate the toxic effect of the steroid and regulate the stress hormones that are being affected by the medication itself.

So what happens when the gut is not functioning optimally? 


Well, your immune system will be compromised (as 70-80% of the immune system is situated in the gut) which may lead to autoimmune conditions such as eczema.

Then a major symptom of the liver not functioning as it should, as it is so overburdened, is quite likely to present itself on your skin, potentially causing rashes & itchiness such as eczema.

The skin is the largest organ in the body and when you think we absorb 60% of what ever we put on the skin! It’s so crucial we look after it because what we then absorb, will impact our internal organs too! 

If you're experiencing symptoms, or have been affected by something in this article, please book in with me for a free 20 minute consultation on how I can help you.

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Catherine Faraday